
All employees, upon joining the Company, receive training on the Code of Ethics and the Anti-Corruption Policy. These documents are applicable to employees, suppliers, customers, service providers and other stakeholders.
Whistleblowing channel CSN
CSN offers several reporting channels, respecting the premise of anonymity, confidentiality and the guarantee of non-retaliation in the treatment of reports, offering to any employee or anyone who reports a possible violation of the Code of Ethics, internal rules and the Anti-Corruption Policy of the Company. Complaints can be made by telephone, e-mail, correspondence and website (

0800 282 4440
Whistleblowing channel CSN
CSN offers several reporting channels, respecting the premise of anonymity, confidentiality and the guarantee of non-retaliation in the treatment of reports, offering to any employee or anyone who reports a possible violation of the Code of Ethics, internal rules and the Anti-Corruption Policy of the Company. Complaints can be made by telephone, e-mail, correspondence and website (
CSN Mineração whistleblower channel:
The Green Line, which has been in operation for over a decade, works as a direct communication channel with society. Through it, it is possible to forward suggestions, praise, criticism or doubts about the company’s socio-environmental issues. A specialized team at the unit is committed to responding to community demands, presenting solutions or justifications within a maximum period of 15 working days. The volume and content of calls, as well as the internal directions resulting from each call, are periodically reported to the Company’s senior management.

Whistleblower Channel
0800 884 2006