
We are committed to conducting our business in an ethical and transparent manner. For this, it is essential to ensure that our business partners comply with Brazilian and international laws. We have a chain composed of more than five thousand suppliers, who collaborate with various services, including raw materials, logistics, maintenance, administrative services, materials, energy and investments in equipment and facilities.
We value the safety of external workers who work at our units, with that the Occupational Health and Safety Manual for Suppliers stipulates the minimum occupational safety and health program for all CSN suppliers and sub-suppliers, in order to ensure that activities are carried out within CSN standards, norms and applicable legal requirements, with the aim of preventing accidents and incidents for all people.
514 analysis
of due diligence of third parties were carried out in 2020
705 analysis
third-party due diligence was carried out in 2021
Suppliers are contracted on the basis of internal standards and national and international laws regarding the practice of purchasing. The Compliance Program provides for the assessment of the integrity (due diligence) of third parties and the application of mechanisms to detect possible conflicts of interest, tasks of responsibility of the Audit, Risks and Compliance Board. The contracts signed establish clauses to ensure the faithful and full compliance with internal rules, including the Anti-Corruption Law.
In the approval phase of suppliers, the Audit, Risk and Compliance Board makes a rigorous assessment from the respective CNAES (National Classification of Economic Activities). Both the CNPJ and the CPF of the respective partners are evaluated in order to identify possible involvement in corruption, fraud, complaints, environmental crime, slave and/or child labor, procedural history, national and international restrictive lists, such as: OFAC (Agency for Control of Foreign Assets), European Union, IBAMA (Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources), and possible embargoes.
In 2022, CSN developed an ESG Assessment for its most relevant suppliers. This assessment measures the risk of these suppliers concerning ESG aspects: health and safety management, engagement with communities, diversity and inclusion, whistleblower channel, code of ethics, certifications, climate risk management, water, and biodiversity, among others.
As of 2023, these suppliers will respond to the assessment periodically. The diagnosis helps CSN assess and manage potential socio-environmental and image risks and influences its supply chain in adopting the best market practices.
- OFAC (Foreign Assets Control Agency)
- European Union
- IBAMA (Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources)
- Possible Embargoes