• Climate Change

    CSN’s businesses are energy-intensive and emit greenhouse gases (GHGs), making the pursuit of greater energy efficiency and flexibility in the use of alternative fuels, as well as GHG emissions management, strategic priorities for growth, increased competitiveness, and business continuity. Within the ESG strategy, CSN is committed to transforming its operations towards a low-carbon economy. This entails investing in new low-carbon technologies, process improvements, automation, and various innovations aimed at reducing CO2 emissions in steelmaking, mining, and the cement sector.

    One of the recent major advancements was the development of CSN’s climate scenarios, available in the 2022 Climate Action Report, which outlines the Group’s Decarbonization Journey. We are pioneers in producing this report, being one of the few companies in Brazil to publish it. Click here to access the document.

    Furthermore, we have been conducting greenhouse gas emissions inventories following the GHG Protocol guidelines since 2013, reported by the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program, and have received the Gold Seal since 2014 In 2023, the Company achieved a leadership score in the CDP, scoring an A- in the Climate Change and Water Security questionnaires.

    Currently, CSN has one of the lowest Scope 2 emissions* in the steel sector, according to an assessment based on documents provided by the World Steel Association, as 100% of CSN’s electricity consumption comes from its own renewable generation sources.

    This advancement is a result of the entry of the new units of CSN Energia, responsible for the 100% renewable generation of all energy consumed by businesses in Brazil, and the acquisition of I-RECs that were used to ensure the renewable origin of assets not in the free market.

    Commitments to a low carbon emission

    CSN invests efforts and resources into reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impacts related to climate change. Through the assessment of performance indicators related to greenhouse gas emissions, the CSN Group develops roadmaps to identify new technologies aimed at reducing these emissions and develops decarbonization journeys for its businesses. Given that the steelmaking, cement, and mining segments have the most significant impacts, they each have their own decarbonization journeys.

    Steel Industry Reduce 10% of CO2e emissions per ton of crude steel by 2030 and 20% by 2035, following the methodology premises of the World Steel Association (WSA). It includes the steel mills of Usina Presidente Vargas (UPV) in Volta Redonda (RJ), and Stahlwerk Thüringen (SWT) in Germany.
    Cement Industry Reduce 23% of CO2e emissions per ton of cementitious material by 2030. This segment utilizes the methodology of the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA).
    Mining Reduce CO2e emissions per ton of ore produced by 30% by 2035 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2044, considering Scopes 1 and 2. It encompasses the mining activities of CSN Mineração at Casa de Pedra mine and the Pires Complex. The GHG Protocol methodology is used as the calculation basis.

    ESG engagement

    CSN believes in responsible and transparent management of the natural resources with which its operations interact. Annually, one of the ways that the Company uses to communicate its practices and environmental performance data to its stakeholders is the report to the CDP (Disclosure Insight Action). Click here to access CSN´s Report.