• Highlights

    2023 Integrated


    The year of 2023 highlighted the importance and success of the strategy of building, consolidating and expanding an integrated and verticalized business portfolio in essential production chains for different types of industries, with a close eye on sustainability issues and challenges.

    Find out about the ESG actions and practices that supported this journey in the CSN Group’s 2023 Integrated Report.

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    Climate Action


    CSN elaborated its first Climate Action Report. We are pioneers in this action, being one of the only companies in Brazil to prepare this type of report.

    The document presents, in detail, CSN’s Decarbonization Journey in the segments in which it operates: steel, mining, energy, logistics and cements, and the actions adopted and planned to fight against climate change. In addition to having targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, we have the ambition to be a carbon neutral company. For this reason, CSN has invested in optimizing processes, using green hydrogen and renewable fuels, as well as electrification. Moreover, with the 2022 acquisitions, we will become self-sufficient in renewable electricity.

    Check out the report to learn more about our Decarbonization Journey.

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    Where we are located

    • Steel
    • Mining
    • Cement
    • Logistics
    • Energy
    Brasil Bahia Sergipe Pernambuco Alagoas Amazonas Pará Mato Grosso Rondônia Acre Amapá Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Sul Santa Catarina Paraná São Paulo Mato Grosso do Sul Goiás Minas Gerais Espírito Santo Piauí Ceará Roraima Tocantins Maranhão Rio Grande do Norte Paraíba Distrito Federal Blank map of the United States, territories not included Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming District of Columbia District of Columbia Countries of Europe image/svg+xml Countries of Europe