Institutional Partnerships

ABNT is the National Normalization Forum recognized by Brazilian society since its foundation, confirmed by the federal government through various legal instruments. Responsible for the elaboration of the Brazilian Standards (ABNT NBR), prepared by its Brazilian Committees (ABNT/CB), Sectorial Standardization Bodies (ABNT/ONS) and Special Study Commissions (ABNT/CEE), it works in the assessment of conformity and has programs for certification of products, systems and environmental labeling, based on internationally accepted technical guidelines and principles and based on a technical structure and multidisciplinary auditors, ensuring credibility, ethics and recognition of services. It contributes to the implementation of public policies, promotes the development of markets, the defense and safety of consumers.

MOVER, a coalition of companies that are already part of the lives of Brazilians and that has taken on the commitment to create a future with more representation, generate more opportunities, in addition to actions to train and transform the collective consciousness. It seeks to build practical actions that promote racial equality and fair opportunities for all, as an effective tool to combat racism.

CNI is the main representative of Brazilian industry in the defense and promotion of public policies that favor entrepreneurship and industrial production, in a sector that brings together more than 476 thousand industries in the country. Aims to represent, defend and coordinate the general interests of the industry, contributing to fostering the expansion and competitiveness of the industrial sector, resulting in the promotion of a favorable environment for business and the sustainable development of the country.

PACTO GLOBAL – Rede Brasil
Launched in 2000 by the then Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, the Global Compact is an initiative for companies to align their strategies and operations with the ten universal principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-corruption, now derived from the Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration of the International Labor Organization on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, in order to develop actions that contribute to facing the challenges of society. It is considered today the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, with more than 16 thousand members, including companies and organizations, distributed in 69 local networks, covering 160 countries.