Statute, Codes and Policies

Read our principal codes and policies below, and for more information, visit the IR website.
See moreBylaws
CSN acts transparently and ethically with its employees, suppliers, customers and communities where it operates, fully complying with national and foreign legislation applicable to its business. Get to know CSN’s Bylaws.
See moreCode of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy
The Code of Ethic and Conduct for the group’s companies, in addition to meeting the standards of personal and professional conduct expected in the relationships maintained with employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, communities, competitors and the environment, is also a statement of corporate conduct and employee commitments. Check the Code of Conduct here.
See moreCSN’s Anti-Corruption Policy addresses the Company’s guidelines and commitments to combat all forms of fraud and corruption, in compliance with anti-corruption laws. Check here the Anti-Corruption Policy (NG1000.05).
See moreNew Sustainability Policy
With the mission of unifying the policies and practices of especially important and synergistic areas, the Sustainability, Environment, Health and Safety Board launches its new Integrated Sustainability and HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) Policy signed and aproved by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer on 12/10/2020, and in force ever since.
Our Environmental Management Policy and System reinforce our commitment to generating value for our stakeholders and are aligned with regulatory guidelines and global best practices, promoting the deployment of these guidelines in all operations, detailing responsibilities and procedures to be followed. Guided by our Policy, the operating units have areas responsible for the Management of Sustainability, Environment, Health and Safety, which support the processes, with the mission of providing innovative and targeted environmental solutions, according to the context of each operating unit. CSN – Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, based on its values and essence in “Doing well, Doing more and Doing forever”, aligned with the needs and expectations of its stakeholders, acts purposefully in the development of innovative and sustainable solutions that add value to the Steel, Mining, Logistics, Cement and Energy businesses.
Through the proactive incorporation of the best socio-environmental, competition, ethical and governance practices in its decisions and the strengthening of the culture of prevention and control of health and safety risks, respect for the environment and the ethical and safe behavior of its employees direct and indirect, CSN is ALWAYS committed to
Business Sustainability
Incorporate sustainability into the decisions of the CSN Group as a principle that guides its business throughout its life cycle, considering the protection of the environment and biodiversity, the conscious use of natural resources and actions to mi igate and adapt to climate change as differentials to act at the forefront of the development of innovative processes, products and solutions, in order to prevent and mitigate negative impacts and enhance the generation of positive impacts on local communities. In addition, align its practices with national and international commitments, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Human Rights Guiding Principles (OPs) and maintain, through leadership, each employee responsible for protecting the environment and performance in Occupational Health and Safety, through self-care and safe behavior.
Environmental Protection, Pollution and Accident Prevention
Consider protecting the environment and preventing the occurrence of accidents and negative environmental impacts as strategic pillars in the construction of its objectives and goals, seeking to influence our entire production chain. Develop and enco age programs to protect the environment and prevent pollution, fostering the circular economy through the sustainable and conscious use of natural resources and the preservation of biodiversity. Manage aspects and controls to mitigate impacts and risks to the environment, health and safety at work in a structured manner.
Transparent and Inclusive Company
Communicate with clarity, transparency and timeliness, its performance in matters related to the environment, health and safety at work and its social performance, valuing the maintenance of the relationship based on dialogue with the local communiti s, reconciling the viability of its businesses and local development, materialized through investment in socio-environmental programs and projects that help to conserve the environment and improve living conditions in the places where we are present. Follow the precepts of good governance, ethics and integrity, respecting human rights and proactively fighting the practices of child, forced or slave-like labor, harassment and discrimination in all its forms throughout our value chain. Encouraging a diverse and inclusive work environment, with respect for free union association and the right to collective bargaining, keeping permanently open and internalizing the demands of communication channels with internal and external audiences.
Respect for Legislation
Comply with current legislation regarding the protection of the Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and seek, whenever possible, to exceed our obligations, anticipating challenges arising from potential regulatory changes.
Continuous Improvement
Ensuring that all its employees and partners continually seek to improve the performance of their activities through safe, healthy and quality of life work and consider environmental aspects, risks to everyone’s health and safety and innovation as an integral part of their tasks, so that efforts to achieve constant improvement are also reflected in working conditions and in the well-being of all, in accordance with renowned standards of health, environmental protection, quality of life and safety at work.
Educate and Train
Train, qualify, educate, raise awareness and encourage our employees to adopt an innovative, participatory and committed behavior for the high performance of their activities, with a vision of sustainable development and social responsibility, throug the implementation of a culture that encourages them to to constantly experience concern for the environment, biodiversity, health and safety for all.
Biodiversity Policy and Water Resources Policy
The Biodiversity Policy and Water Resources Policy cover the Steel, Mining, Cement, Logistics and Energy businesses with a view to promoting and strengthening best practices for the rational use of resources inherent and associated with the themes, in accordance with the Company’s Sustainability Policy.
General Conditions for Services Provision and General Conditions for Materials Supply
In 2022, CSN updated its “General Conditions for Services Provision” and “General Conditions for Materials Supply” with specific topics on health and safety, socio-environmental responsibility, and human rights that must be fully complied with by our supply chain. This way, we fulfill our role as a sustainable company and influence the entire chain with the best market practices.
*Documents available only in Portuguese.
See moreHealth and safety Management Manual
The Health and Safety Management Manual and the Health and Safety Manual for Third Parties covers the Steel, Mining, Cement, Logistics and Energy businesses with a view to promoting and strengthening best practices for the rational use of resources inherent and associated with water resources, in accordance with the Company’s Sustainability Policy.
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