CSN Mineração revitalizes a community square in Belo Vale (MG) through the Environmental Education Program (PEA)
March 1, 2023
In December, CSN Mineração delivered the project : “Se Essa Rua Fosse Minha”. The revitalization was carried out in the square of Córrego dos Pintos, in Belo Vale (MG), with the participation of the community. The project is part of the actions of the Environmental Education Program (PEA), coordinated by the Project Management and Environmental Licensing.
The idea for the activity emerged in 2018, from the Participatory Socio-Environmental Diagnosis which resulted in the creation of “Se Essa Rua Fosse Minha”. The project aims to awaken in the target audience a different look at the place where they live, as well as the various possibilities of caring for and promoting actions that value and make these places more attractive and pleasant.