FTL expands waste sales, reduces impact on the environment and generates revenue
February 1, 2025
The correct disposal of waste from the production process is one of the challenges for companies, as it follows specific legislation and generates costs for the company with the removal and treatment of materials.
In 2022, Ferrovia Transnordestina Logística (FTL), a company of the CSN Group, reached a record volume of waste sold and managed to eliminate the stock of lubricating oil stored at its headquarters in Fortaleza (CE). FTL operates with cargo transportation in the states of Ceará, Piauí and Maranhão.
138.2 m³ of lubricating oil and 1,093 tons of ferrous scrap were sold, respectively two and four times more compared to 2021. The revenue achieved with the sale was five times greater than that obtained in the previous year, totaling R$ 1 .8 million.
Lubricating oil is used in the maintenance of locomotives and wagons and ferrous scrap is formed by parts and other components used in the workshop (wheel sets, bogies, engine parts, springs, etc.).
The material that was not suitable for FTL underwent a physical/chemical recycling process and was returned to the market in the form of a product for new use, reducing the environmental impacts generated by the company.