
CSN is featured in the Rio Export Award 2019
CSN Mineração was one of the winning companies of the 2018 Leaders of Brazil Award, granted by the Grupo de Líderes Empresariais (Lide) to organizations that improved their management in the period. In a ceremony held on December 10, at Teatro Santander, in São Paulo, the company won recognition in the Entrepreneurship category. The award also includes 44 other categories and is considered the greatest recognition of Brazilian executives. For Enéas Garcia Diniz, general director of CSN Mineração, the award is the celebration of a great commitment by the company. “CSN believes in Brazil and, therefore, has made constant investments in new projects. All this to boost the national industry. Receiving this award is a sign that we are on the right path,” he says.
CSN is featured in the Rio Export Award 2019
In the incessant search for innovation and the implementation of new technologies in its operations, environmental, social and governance issues stand out as a strategic pillar of CSN’s operations.
Our efforts are aimed at increasing productivity and efficiency, always following the best practices and making the necessary investments to perpetuate the organization’s sustainable growth.
Our essence is directly linked to our ESG agenda and, even more, the way we see our role and responsibility towards the communities in which we operate.
CSN is featured in Jornal O Globo with the increase in female participation in production
CSN is featured in Jornal O Globo with the increase in female participation in production
O Globo columnist Ancelmo Gois highlighted in last Sunday’s edition of the newspaper (10/13) CSN’s Diversity Program, which increased from 7.5% to 10.1% the role of women in production at the Volta unit. Round, in just a year and a half. This result is due to the continuous efforts that CSN has been making to include women, blacks, PCDs, LGBTQI+ people and people over 50 years old in the units and in different positions, and thus, offer employment opportunities in a more equal way.
At the end of last month, a group of 81 new employees arrived to make up the company’s team. They are members of the Steel Operator Training Program and, after training at SENAI for three months, they were admitted to CSN. They will undergo a period of on-the-job training of up to six months to learn the activity and safety procedures. After this period, they will be able to fill effective vacancies for steel mill operators or crane operators according to the individual performance of the employees. Upon arriving at the company, they participated in several integration lectures and were welcomed by the Executive Director of Production, Pedro Gutemberg, and by the Director of Human Resources, Rosana Passos.
Holding classes for the Capacitar Program exclusively for women is one of the initiatives of CSN’s Diversity Program.
Leaders of Brazil Award 2010
Our CEO, Benjamin Steinbruch, was featured in the Mining category at the 10th edition of the Leaders of Brazil award, held on December 17, in São Paulo. CSN’s President was represented at the award by the Commercial Executive Director, Luis Fernando Martinez.
It is always a source of pride for us to be among the companies that make a difference to the country, especially in such a challenging year as the one we are experiencing.
CSN: do well, do more, do forever.
CSN Mineração receives BEST AND BIGGEST award
The CSN Mineração received the BEST AND BIGGEST award, one of the most important in the economy. Granted by EXAME magazine, the award recognizes the largest companies in the country in various sectors.
The award’s mission is to map the country’s business performance and understand which organizations are responsible for driving the local economy. In all, there were 20 categories, including the never-before-seen “Startup of the Year” and “Entrepreneur of the Year”.
In addition to these novelties, the award now considers the ESG item in the composition of the note of companies, which need to demonstrate indicators of environmental, social and governance responsibility to be selected as the Best and Largest in their sectors.
About the award
In its 48th edition, the award was made for the first time in partnership with IBMec. As a result, a new methodology was adopted to evaluate more than 600 companies listed on the stock exchange or with public information. For this year, in addition to the growth of the segment in the last five years and the financial result of the companies, questions such as:
Social and environmental responsibility;
CSN ranked first in the Metallurgy and Steel industry ranking of the Valor 1000 award
CSN ranked first in the Metallurgy and Steel industry ranking of the Valor 1000 award. Developed by the Center for Studies in Finance of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (EAESP/FGV), in partnership with Serasa Experian, the ranking of this edition had a differential: 30% of the grade was based on ESG practices.
Highlights include:
- Acquisition of Companhia geradora do Rio Grande do Sul (C-EEE) is crucial for continuous self-sufficiency in renewable energy.
- The installation of the ESG Committee of CSN, which began work in support of the board of directors in evaluating sustainability and innovation trends.
- CSN will reduce the intensity of its emission per ton of steel produced by 10% by 2030 and by 20% by 2035.
- In the last 20 years, The Presidente Vargas Plant has reduced by 70% the intensity of new water collection, even with the implementation of other units in its facilities.
- CSN Mineração, which already uses 100% renewable energy, has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere to 30% by 2035 and becoming carbon neutral in direct emissions by 2044.
- The CSN Foundation has invested more than R$ 105 million in the projects it operates, mainly linked to education and culture.
- CSN has committed to reaching 28% gender representation by 2025- from 13.8% in 2020 to 19.2% in July 2022.