CSN Foundation

CSN Foundation is responsible for the social actions of the CSN Group, its purpose is to transform lives and communities through the pillars that support its performance: education, culture, articulation and curatorship. It is present in six states, with direct operations in 35 municipalities and also with national notices. Executes direct action projects sponsored by partners through tax incentive laws. In education, it develops programs that seek to provide young people with quality training. And in culture, transform society through cultural expression.

5560 adolescents
impacted by CSN Foundation projects
425 actions
carried out with an audience reach of 246,916 views
35 cities
with direct action by the CSN Foundation
R$ 35,5 millions
invested in social responsibility
CSN Foundation Cultural Center
Space for free and multidisciplinary actions, aimed at training and disseminating art, education and culture. During the pandemic in 2020, it reinvented itself in the digital environment and expanded the possibilities of exchanges and connections with other regions from the country. It adapted its programming with virtual exhibitions, lives, podcasts, workshops, webseries, among other actions.
253 cultural actions
93.063 audience reached
Program "Stories that Stay"
Consultancy, promotion and dissemination program for Brazilian audiovisual production. In 2021, the third edition was launched, in a new format in partnership with the São Paulo International Documentary Meeting (DOCSP). Four documentaries were selected to participate in three training processes in impact campaigns between 2021 and May 2022.
The final prize of R$ 108,000 was destined to promote the documentary named “Asexybilidade”, which addresses the sexuality of people with disabilities. The CSN Foundation monitors the finalization of the four films selected in the call for proposals through creative consultations.
4 documentaries produced with a final prize of R$ 108,000
Young Apprentice Program
Program aimed at inserting young people into the job market. It has been operating for over 50 years with Apprenticeship programs. National operations in 9 hubs: Belo Horizonte, Congonhas, Conselheiro Lafaiete, Contagem, Ouro Branco, São Gonçalo do Rio Below, Duque de Caxias, Volta Redonda and São Paulo.
In 2021, another action front was created, the Internship Integration.
+ than 1300 young people were heeded
Through a partnership with 149 companies
Environmental Education Program
Socio-environmental intervention in communities, lectures and heritage appreciation. Held in municipalities of Minas Gerais: Congonhas, Belo Vale, Ouro Preto and Arcos and in Volta Redonda.
In 2022, the program assisted 66,761 people in the 563 activities carried out during the year
Garoto Cidadão
The Garoto Cidadão is a sociocultural project that offers music, theater, dance and visual arts activities after school hours with the aim of providing the human development of children and adolescents in vulnerable situations.
With 9 units, the project is present in five Brazilian states: Minas Gerais (Arcos and Congonhas); Rio de Janeiro (Volta Redonda and Itaguaí); Paraná (Araucaria); the city of São Paulo (in Heliópolis) and Mato Grosso do Sul in three cities (Bonito, Coxim and Porto Murtinho). In 2020 its performance became online with activities such as soirees, storytelling, theatrical presentations, workshops and video editing, among others.
In 2022, 2,533 children and young people took part in the project
Scholarship Program
In order to prepare students for the university and the job market, the CSN Foundation grants partial and full scholarships to the Pandiá Calógeras Technical School (RJ) and the Technological Education Center in Congonhas (MG).
In 2020, 640 scholarships were awarded
Empower Hotelier and Services
The training program that takes place at the Hotel-Escola Bela Vista and at the Vila Buniness Hotel, in Rio de Janeiro, seeks to train young people aged between 16 and 29 for the job market and their first job.
Since the beginning of the project in 2006, 1.603 young people have been trained
Ganhar o Mundo
Scholarship program in place since 2016, implemented by the CSN Foundation and sponsored by CSN in partnership with Barnard College, a New York University focused on teaching for women.

registered people
39 adolescents
participated in the training process
24 adolescents
took English improvement courses and academic experience in New York
2 adolescents
participant in the 1st edition of the program are takin on the world while studying for their degree at Barnard College in New York. Another 5 are on full and partial scholarships at other American universities.
CSN Foundation

CSN Foundation believes in the transformation of society through education and cultural expression. Among its actions, Garoto Cidadão carries out a sociocultural project that serves more than 4000 children and adolescents in the main cities where CSN is located. In the last year, Garoto Cidadão was expanded with two new spaces: the urban area of Coxim (MS) and in the needy community of Heliópolis in the capital of São Paulo (SP), in addition to seven other municipalities served. To get to know more about CSN Foundation, acess our website.